REPORT on episode
"Indagine riservata"
Directed by Andrea Barzini
Saturday, september 20, 2003

Today the cast and crew are in Piazza San Pietro where they will film an accident.
A very capable stuntman lands on the hood of a moving car,

then falls heavily to the ground.

At the scene of the accident, the Forensic Team from the Carabiniere arrive

and make a first analysis of the evidence.

By chance, Don Matteo is passing nearby on his bicycle...

...Marshal Cecchini, who is in charge of the operation, sees him and calls out to him,

he quickly explains what has happened, as they go to the victim,

then Don Matteo kneels to administer the last rites.

Now the body of the victim can be taken away and the Don Matteo's investigation ...I mean, the Carabinierei's investigation, can begin!

during a break between takes, Terence and Nino discuss some of the dialogue.
The accident scene, viewed in person, was very realistic, I would even say shocking, and Terence told us that he was very impressed by the skill of the stuntman!
