Terence´s Filmographie befindet sich in Überprüfung durch Terence. Fehler und Weggelassenes werden sobald wie möglich behoben.

Infos zu den jeweiligen Filmen sind im Moment noch in Bearbeitung.
ItalyItaly United States of AmericaU.S.A. Great BritainGreat Britain
GermanyGermany FranceFrance SpainSpain
HungaryHungary ChinaChina DenmarkDenmark
CanadaCanada HollandHolland FinlandFinland
SwedenSweden GreeceGreece JugoslaviaJugoslavia

Italy Don Matteo 4 (TV Series of 16 episodes)
Hungary Don Matteo 4

Italy Don Matteo 3 (TV Series of 16 episodes)
Hungary Don Matteo 3

Italy Don Matteo 2 (TV Series of 16 episodes)
Hungary Don Matteo 2


Italy Don Matteo (TV Series of 16 episodes)
Hungary Don Matteo


Italy Potenza Virtuale - Virtual Weapon
Great Britain Virtual Weapon / Virtually yours
Germany Zwei Fäuste für Miami
France Cyberflic
Hungary Én vagyok a fegyver


Italy Botte di Natale
United States of America Troublemakers / The night before Christmas / The fight before Christmas
Great Britain Troublemakers
Germany Die Troublemaker
France Petit papa baston
Hungary Bunyó karácsonyig


United States of America Lucky Luke (TV Series of 8 episodes)
Hungary Lucky Luke


United States of America Lucky Luke (The Movie)
Hungary Lucky Luke


Italy Renegade - Un osso troppo duro
United States of America You call me Trinity, they call me Renegade
Great Britain They call me Renegade
Germany Renegade und der faulste Gaul der Welt
France Renégade
Spain Renegado, un hueso muy duro de roer
Hungary A keményfeju
Denmark Den, der ler sidst, ler bedst


Italy Miami Supercops - I poliziotti dell'ottava strada
United States of America Miami cops / Trinity: good guys and bad guys
Great Britain Miami cops
Germany Die Miami Cops
France Les superflics de Miami
Spain Dos superpolicias en Miami
Hungary Szuperhekusok


Italy Non c'é due senza quattro
United States of America Double trouble
Great Britain Double trouble
Canada Not two, but four
Germany Vier Fäuste gegen Rio
Hungary Nincs ketto négy nélkül


Italy Don Camillo
United States of America Don Camillo / The world of Don Camillo
Great Britain Don Camillo
Germany Keiner haut wie Don Camillo
France Don Camillo
Spain El mundo de Don Camillo
Denmark Don Camillo
Holland Don Camillo slaat door
France Don Camillo - Veijari vai pyhimys
Hungary Don Camillo


Italy Nati con la camicia
United States of America Go for it! / Trinity: hits the road
Great Britain Go for it!
Germany Zwei bärenstarke Typen
France Quand faut y aller, faut y aller
Spain Dos locos con suerte
Hungary Nyomás, utána!


Italy Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro
United States of America Who finds a friend finds a treasure
Great Britain A friend is a treasure
Germany Zwei Asse trumpfen auf
France Salut l'ami, adieu le trésor
Spain Quien encuentra un amigo, enquentra un tesoro
Hungary Kincs, ami nincs


Italy Poliziottosuperpiù
United States of America Super Fuzz
Great Britain Super Snooper
Germany Der Supercop
France Un drôle de flic
Spain Superpolicía nuclear
Hungary A szuperzsaru
Finland Superkyttä


Italy Io sto con gli ippopotami
United States of America I'm for the hippopotamus
Great Britain I'm for the hippopotamus
Germany Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd
France Cul et chemise
Spain Yo estoy con el hipòpotamus
Hungary Én a vizilovakkal vagyok


Italy Pari e dispari
United States of America Trinity: gambling for high stakes
Great Britain Odds and evens
Germany Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen
France Pair et impair
Spain Pares y nones
Hungary És megint dühbe jövünk


Italy I due superpiedi quasi piatti
United States of America Two supercops / Crime busters / Trinity: in trouble again
Great Britain Two supercops / Crime busters
Germany Zwei ausser Rand und Band
France Deux super flics
Hungary Bunvadászok


Italy La Bandera - Marcia o muori
United States of America March or die
Great Britain March or die
Germany In der Wüste ist die Hölle los / Marschier oder stirb
France Il était une fois ...la Légion
Spain Marchar o morir
Hungary Menni vagy meghalni
Finland Marssi tai kuole


Italy Mister Miliardo
United States of America Mr. Billion
Great Britain The windfall
Germany Mr. Billion
France On m'appelle Dollars
Spain Mr. Billón
Hungary Mister Milliárdos


Italy Un genio due compari un pollo
United States of America Trinity is back again
Great Britain The Genius / A genius, two partners and a dupe / Nobody's the greatest
Germany Nobody ist der Größte
France Un génie, deux associés, une cloche
Hungary Egy zseni, két haver, egy balek
Denmark Nobody er den storste
Finland Nobody on nerokkain
Sweden Mitt namn är fortfarande Nobody


Italy Porgi l'altra guancia
United States of America The two missionaries / Turn the other cheek
Great Britain The two missionaries
Canada Don't turn the other cheek
Germany Zwei Missonare
France Les deux missionnaires
Spain Dos misioneros
Hungary Két misszionárius / Morcos misszionáriusok /
Fordítsd oda a másik orcádat is!


Italy Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo
United States of America Watch out we're mad
Great Britain Watch out we're mad
Germany Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel
France Attention, on va s'facher!
Spain Y si no, nos enfadamos
Hungary Különben dühbe jövünk


Italy Il mio nome é Nessuno
United States of America My name is Nobody / Lonesome gun
Great Britain Nobody, but Nobody, knows the trouble he's in!
Germany Mein Name ist Nobody
France Mon nom est Personne
Spain Mi nombre es Nadie
Hungary A nevem Senki
Denmark Mit navn er Nobody
Sweden Mitt namn är Nobody


Italy ...e poi lo chiamarono il Magnifico
Great Britain A man from the East / Man of the East
Germany Verflucht, verdammt und Halleluja / Ein Gentleman im Wilden Westen
France Et maintenant, on l'appelle El Magnifico / L'homme de l'est
Spain Y ahora me llaman el Magnífico
Denmark Av, min arm
Sweden Mannen från öst
Hungary Vigyázat, vadnyugat


Italy ...Più forte ragazzi!
United States of America All the way boys / Plane crazy
Germany Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle
France Maintenant on l'appelle Plata
Spain Mas fuerte, muchachos
Hungary Mindent bele, fiúk!


Italy Il Corsaro Nero
United States of America Blackie the pirate
Germany Freibeuter der Meere
France Le corsaire noir / Le corsaire de la Reine / Les deux flibustiers
Spain El corsario negro
Hungary A Fekete Kalóz / Blackie, a kalóz


Italy ...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità
United States of America Trinity is still my name! / All the way Trinity
Germany Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja
France On continue à l'appeler Trinita
Spain Me seguían llamando Trinidad
Hungary Az ördög jobb és bal keze 2


Italy Il vero e il falso
United States of America The true and the false / The hassled hooker
Germany Allein gagen das Gesetz
France Manoeuvres criminelles d'un procureur de la république
Hungary Az igaz és hamis


Italy La collera del vento
United States of America Django sees red / Trinity sees red
Great Britain Revenge of Trinity / The wind's anger / The wind's fierce
Germany Der Teufel kennt kein Halleluja
France La colère du vent / Trinita voit rouge
Spain La cólera del viento / Venganza sangrienta
Hungary A szél dühe


Italy Lo chiamavano Trinità...
United States of America My name is Trinity / They call me Trinity
Germany Die rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels
France On l'appelle Trinita
Spain Me llamaban Trinidad
Hungary Az ördög jobb és bal keze


Italy La collina degli stivali
United States of America Boot Hill / Trinity rides again
Germany Zwei hauen auf den Putz / Hügel der blutigen Stiefel
France Trinita va tout casser
Spain La colina de la botes
Hungary Akik csizmában halnak meg
France La colline des bottes


Italy Barbagia - La società del malessere
Great Britain The tough and the mighty
Germany Verflucht in alle Ewigkeit / Der blauäugige Bandit
Greece Apagogeis


Italy I quattro dell'Ave Maria
United States of America Ace high
Great Britain Four gunmen of Ave Maria / Have gun will travel / Revenge in El Paso
Germany Vier für ein Ave Maria
France Les quatre de l'Ave Maria / Deux honnetes crapules
Spain Los cuatro truhanes
Hungary Bosszú El Pasóban


Italy Preparati la bara!
United States of America Django, prepare a coffin
Great Britain Viva Django / Get the coffin ready
Germany Joe der Galgenvogel / Django und die Bande der Gehängten
Spain Trinidad, prepara tu tumba
Canada Django sees red
Hungary Az akasztófáravaló
Denmark Mit navn er Django
France Trinita prépare ton cercueil


Italy La feldmarescialla (Rita fugge...lui corre...egli scappa)
Great Britain The crazy kids of the war
Germany Die Etappenschweine
France La grosse pagaille
Sweden Galna krigshj¨ltar
Hungary Az altábornagy lány


Italy Dio perdona...io no!
United States of America God forgives...I don't! / Blood river
Germany Zwei vom Affen gebissen / Gott vergibt, wir beide nie /
Gott vergibt, Django nie
France Dieu pardonne...moi pas!
Spain Tú perdonas...yo no!
Hungary Isten megbocsát, én nem! / Nincs bocsánat
France Pas de pitie pour qui tue - Trinita ne pardonne pas


Italy Little Rita nel west
United States of America Crazy westerners / Rita of the west
Great Britain Rita the kid / Rita in the west
Germany Blaue Bohnen für ein Halleluja
France T'as le bonjour de Trinita
Spain La Pequeña Rita
Sweden I vidaste västern
Hungary Rita, a vadnyugat réme


Italy Io non protesto, io amo
Hungary Mindhalálig rock and roll


Germany Die Nibelungen, Teil II: Kriemhilds Rache
Hungary Nibelungok - Kriemhild bosszúja


Germany Die Nibelungen, Teil I: Siegfried
Hungary Nibelungok - Siegfried
France La vengeance de Siegfried


Italy Danza di guerra per Ringo
Great Britain Rampage at Apache wells
Germany Der Ölprinz
Jugoslavia Kralj petroleja
Hungary Az olajherceg
France L' appât de l'or noir


Italy Il magnifico emigrante / Il richiamo dei boschi
Germany Ruf der Wälder
Hungary Hív az erdo
France Le superbe étranger


Italy Surehand mano veloce
United States of America Flaming frontier
Germany Old Surehand, 1. Teil
Jugoslavia Lavirint smrti
Hungary Old Surehand I. - Lángoló határ


Italy Operazione terzo uomo
Great Britain Shots in 3/4 time / Spy hunt in Vienna
Germany Schüsse im Dreivierteltakt / Der Professionelle
France Du suif dans l'Orient-Express
Turkey Seytan ruhlu casus


Italy Sparate a vista su Killer Kid
United States of America Duel at sundown
Germany Duell vor Sonnenuntergang
Hungary Killer Kid / Párbaj naplemente elott


Italy Giorni di fuoco (Winnetou II)
United States of America Winnetou: last of the Renegades
Great Britain Last of the Renegades
Germany Winnetou II
France Le trésor des montagnes bleues
Spain La carabina de plata
Jugoslavia Vinetu II
Hungary Winnetou II. - Az utolsó renegátok


Italy Là dove scende il sole (Winnetou)
United States of America Frontier hellcat
Great Britain Among vultures
Germany Unter Geiern
France Parmi les vautours
Jugoslavia Medju jastrebovima
Spain Los buitres
Hungary Keselyuk karmaiban


Italy Il Gattopardo
United States of America The Leopard
Germany Der Leopard
France Le Guépard
Spain El Gatopardo
Holland Het Luipaard / De Tijgerkat
Hungary A párduc


Italy Il giorno più corto
United States of America The shortest day


Italy Il dominatore dei sette mari
United States of America Seven seas to calais
Germany Pirat der sieben Meere
France Le corsaire de la reine


Italy Le meraviglie di Aladino
Great Britain The wonders of Aladdin
Germany Aladin's Abenteuer
France Les mille et une nuits
Hungary Aladdin csodái


Italy Il mio amore é scritto nel vento
Spain Pecado de amor


Italy Cartagine in fiamme
United States of America Carthage in flames
Germany Karthago in Flammen
France Carthage en flammes
Hungary Karthágó lángokban


Italy Un militare e mezzo
Germany Kasernengeflüster
Hungary Egy katona meg egy fél
France Un de la réserve


Italy Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli
United States of America The story of Joseph and his brethren / Joseph and his brethren
Great Britain Joseph sold by his brothers / Sold into Egypt
France L'esclave du Pharaon


Italy Juke-Box - Urli d'amore


Italy Annibale
United States of America Hannibal
Hungary Hannibál
France Annibal


Italy Cerasella


Italy Il padrone delle ferriere
Spain Felipe Derblay
France Le mâitre de forges


Italy Spavaldi e innamorati


Italy Anna di Brooklyn
United States of America Fast and sexy
Great Britain Anna of Brooklyn
Germany Anna von Brooklyn
France Anna de Brooklyn


Italy La spada e la croce
Great Britain The sword and the cross / Mary Magdaléne
Germany Kreuz und Schwert
Hungary Kard és kereszt
France L'épeé et la croix


Italy Lazzarella
France Lazarella, petite canaille


Italy La lunga strada azzurra / La grande strada azzurra
Great Britain The wide blue road
Germany Die große blaue Straße
Hungary A nagy, kék országút
France Un nommé Squarcio


Italy Guaglione


Italy Mamma sconosciuta


Italy I vagabondi delle stelle


Italy Gli sbandati
Great Britain Abandoned
Germany Die Verwirrten


Italy La vena d'oro
Germany Wandel des Herzens


Italy Divisione Folgore
Great Britain Folgore division / El Alamein


Italy Il viale della speranza


Italy Villa Borghese
United States of America It happened in the park
Germany Römischer Reigen
France Les amants de Villa Borghese
Hungary Egy nap a parkban


Italy La voce del silenzio
Germany Männer ohne Tränen / Aus der Bahn geworfen
France La maison du silence


Italy Vacanze col gangster
Great Britain Vacation with a Gangster / Holiday for gangsters
Germany Das große Ferienabenteuer
